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Product description
39.78 kg.
The FS-600 "Winpower" is a high quality wind generator ideal for wind power generation. It is designed to provide efficient and long-lasting operation even at low wind speeds.
The FS-600 wind generator is equipped with an aerodynamic, two-stage rotor that ensures efficient wind power generation and reduces noise levels. In addition, its wind suction pipe is designed to protect against noise.
The FS-600 "Winpower" is a durable wind generator that can withstand high winds and external weather conditions. It is also equipped with several safety features such as over-current protection and is safe to use.
The FS-600 is easy to install and maintain and features a special wind speed sensor for optimal performance. It also has the option to add a wind generator controller for even more wind speed and current control.
Ultimately, the FS-600 Winpower is a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution to help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support green energy production. It is ideal for both private individuals and commercial companies looking for a sustainable energy source.
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